Set against the backdrop of the Irish War of Independence, Sean O’Casey’s The Shadow of a Gunman delves into the lives of the residents of a Dublin tenement. The play centres on Donal Davoren, a struggling poet mistaken for an IRA gunman and his peddler roommate Seumas Shields. As rumors…
Set against the backdrop of the Irish War of Independence, Sean O’Casey’s The Shadow of a Gunman delves into the lives of the residents of a Dublin tenement. The play centres on Donal Davoren, a struggling poet mistaken for an IRA gunman and his peddler roommate Seumas Shields. As rumors and misconceptions spiral, the tenants’ lives become entangled with the political turmoil outside their door leading to unexpected and tragic consequences. This darkly comic yet poignant play explores themes of heroism, identity and the human cost of conflict.