Who said you should only enjoy pancakes on Pancake Tuesday?
We certainly recommend making it a weekly, if not daily thing (ok maybe not daily) but definitely more than once a year! And if you aren’t able to get your taste buds on pancakes from the many great food joints in the city that make them, why not try make them at home.
DublinTown is filled with retailers who can supply the ingredients and also the kitchen supplies. We have a few suggestions for you. But before we share it, here’s a simple recipe to make them
The simple traditional recipe, thanks to Board Bia, is this:
- 100g plain flour
- Pinch of salt
- 1 Bord Bia Quality Assured egg
- 300 ml milk
- 1 tablsp. melted butter or sunflower oil
But where can you get the ingredients in the city centre? Here’s some recommendations:
*SuperValu on Talbot Street
*Dunnes Stores on Henry Street
*Marks & Spencer on Henry St and Grafton Street
The kitchen supplies needed for this include: Frying pan, spatula, whisk or wooden spoon, mixing bowl and pancake moulds if you want to make more than a round pancake. These are some great places to get the supplies you need to make that pancake happen!
The Kitchen Whisk, Wicklow Street
Now that you have all the ingredients, and the kitchen supplies you need, get into the kitchen and start cooking up a storm of delicious pancakes! If you want to wait until Pancake Tuesday, don’t forget it’s this Tuesday, March 5th 2019.