Regular visitors to DublinTown might remember the tremendous boost our collective caffeine addictions received earlier this year when the World of Coffee event arrived in the city to celebrate all things coffee. Not only was this a hugely popular industry event that brought thousands of visitors to the city the organisers also took the time to recognise some of the best cafes that Dublin has to offer as part of their International Coffee Ambassador programme. Among the recipients of this coveted status were DublinTown favourites Coffee Angel.
You might have seen their coffee kiosks along the quays of the Docklands, or stopped by their cafe on South Anne Street but you may have missed their latest new location just opened on Trinity Street. They’ve taken occupancy of a beautiful late Victorian era building at No. 3 Trinity Street which had been vacant for the last couple of years after the previous tenant moved out.
The ground floor is reminiscent of Continental style cafe bars with a high barista counter for people on the move. Trinity Street seems the perfect location surrounded as it is with the offices of Dame Street and
College Green and the hospitality and retail offering of Grafton Street and the Creative Quarter. However, Coffee Angel is much more than just a spot to grab a shot of espresso between meetings, it also features a coffee show room in the rear where you can find out about, and purchase your own coffee grinders, beans, filters and other coffee related paraphernalia.
Upstairs is where some the buildings real hidden gems are found. The building was in the ownership of the same family for over a century and originally started out as a bank (there’s still a vault in the basement), before later being one of the offices that became associated with the infamous Ansbacher affair. As a result its not surprising that the well-appointed rooms on the upper-floors work so well as board rooms and meeting rooms. The idea says Coffee Angel owner Karl Purdy is to provide comfortable, attractive meeting room or training spaces for hire in the city centre, Coffee Angel offer an all in cost that also covers food and or course good coffee.
Though the building is Victorian some of the rooms feature marble Robert Adam fireplaces that date from the Georgian era, while the art and furnishings are far more contemporary and are the creation of Irish artists and manufacturers.
Whether calling in for a flat white on the go, or looking for new surroundings to host your off-site brainstorming session call into Coffee Angel on Trinity Street.