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One Hour To Ron Montana

Glass Mask Theatre at Bestseller Proudly Presents Young Irish writer Keith James Walker debut one-man comedy ‘ONE HOUR TO RON MONTANA’ with Rex Ryan taking the role of a man who can’t commit, who can’t dance and who is looking for answers. The first show will take to the stage on August 2nd and all Glass Mask Theatre productions in Best Seller will run for one month following this.

Running from Aug 2nd to 28th in the Glass Mask Theatre at Bestseller on Dawson Street,  tickets available through this link or from the venue.

Glass Mask Theatre relies on patronage to continue creating theatre and patrons include Smock Alley Theatre, Moya Doherty, John McColgan and Denis O’Brien.

*Rex Ryan was nominated Best theatre actor 2020 by Broadway World for his performance in The Abbey Theatre’s debut Philip Ridley play ‘Tonight with Donny Stixx’