While Dublin was only beginning to wake up and have its first, long stretch and make its first cup of coffee, the Dublin Fashion Festival crew was finishing hair and makeup and beginning test shots for the Lookbook fashion shoot 2014. With a Starbucks in hand and our creative minds raring to go we made our way to South William Studios for the Dublin Fashion Festival Lookbook shoot.
With over 100 looks to shoot, we wasted time and with the help of the our creative team we were flying through each gorgeous look. With our creative director Jules Fallon in charge of the operation, this seemingly impossible task was pulled off with ease. 100 looks, 10 hours, 6 models, 1 team- it’s true when they say, fashion never sleeps.
Photography was left in the very capable hands of talented duo Anita S and her right hand man (and hubby) Don who edited the photos to perfection. Our Amanda took charge of cataloguing all the looks, which was no easy task by any means.
The expert stylists from Dylan Bradshaw worked their magic creating stunning hair styles for our models. The end look was the huge Autumn/Winter trend of dishevelled chic, recently seen on the catwalks of Tom Ford and Gucci.
As for the makeup, the no7 pro team created an understated natural look, which will be huge this upcoming season. With strong brows, matte lips, and shimmering cheek bones our models, from 1st Options looked as fabulous as ever.
We momentarily stopped for a well-deserved break. Starbucks came to rescue and kindly supplied us with tasty sandwiches which were devoured in seconds.
Amidst the chaos of the day both Evoke.ie and Xposé stopped by to get the behind the scenes scoop. Karen Koster chatted to our models while the cameras caught every inch of the action.
A big thanks to everyone who had a part to play in yesterday’s shoot. It was a huge success and couldn’t have been done without all of the hard-working busy bodies that helped out. From our hair and make-up teams to our volunteers and models (which included one of our very own interns Lauren) everyone did great work!