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16 Reasons Why Dubliners are the Best Airbnb Hosts

  • Mon, 22 Feb 2016
We’re not afraid to show our pride as Dubliners and we think we make pretty excellent Airbnb hosts. We can offer some home truths and great tips about the city to guests.

1. We’re More Personal


You’ll feel right at home here in Dublin’s fair city. We love a bit of a chat and a laugh and finding out about different cultures. You’ll get some of the most random and funny questions from a Dub. There’s no doubt that you’ll leave the city with friends.

2. Get a Dubliner’s Guide to the City


You won’t get a better guide to Dublin city than from a local. You’ll get a very unique viewpoint of places around the city from a true Dub. The pub that does the best pint, the places to go for great live music, the food places that stay open late and more. The city is so small and intimate that we’re bound to know most of the interesting places that a visitor would want to experience.

3. We’re up for the Craic!


Should we say more? Us Irish are always up for the craic and we love a bit of banter. We’ll give the best places to go for the craic and most likely will join for a drink or two and the chats. We’re spontaneous too so a quiet drink could very easily turn into a great party!

4. You’ll Get the Best Cuppa


The Irish know their tea. Sure you don’t even need Father Ted to tell you that! Something the Irish do well is offer superb hospitality and this is shown by our constant offering of a cuppa. You won’t stay in a place and not be offered a nice cup of tea.

5. Weather Hacks 


One thing you’ll learn about the Irish is that no matter what the weather, we embrace it. We have years and years of dealing with atrocious weather conditions under our belt and we know how to make the most of it. We’ll teach you the power of dressing inappropriately for the Baltic Irish weather whether it be a t-shirt for men or skirt and no tights for the girls. We’ll teach you to pack so much lighter!

6. Umbrella…Wahhh? 


We’ll teach you that there is absolutely no use for an umbrella in this country. The gales that blow will turn that umbrella inside out in a second and as soon as you fix it the same thing will happen immediately. Trust us!

7. We’ll Show you 101 Ways to Use Potatoes


The Irish are known for their love of potatoes. Whether it’s cubed, fried, mashed, roasted, boiled, baked, etc we’ll teach you a few tricks with the humble spud.

8. Teach You the Joys of the Tayto Crisp Sambo


Talking of potatoes there is no better invention than the Tayto crisp sandwich. We’ll teach you the art of creating this tasty carb filled treat to always be had with a cup of tea.

9. Give Wise Advice on Surviving a Saturday Night at 3am


The 3am-er on a Saturday night is one to be prepared for. The city is as busy as rush hour! Taxis for miles, takeaway restaurants out the door with queues and the streets pretty much having a massive party. We’ll give you all the useful tips on how to survive this time of night and enjoy it.

10. Everyday is Paddy’s Day!!


The luck of the Irish will always be with you when in our beautiful country. You’ll feel like everyday is St. Patrick’s Day with the charm and the liveliness of us Dubs.

11. The Beauty that is the 3-in-1


The extremely Irish thing that you can’t get anywhere else, the 3-in-1 is the combination of chips, rice and curry sauce. It may sound quite unappetizing but once you try it you’ll never go back.

12. Beware! We’ll Tell You the Days that Booze is Unavailable


As we still celebrate holy days such as Good Friday and the likes alcohol will not be available to buy in stores and restaurants and pubs will be closed. We’ll give you a run down on the days that alcohol is not a runner.

13. Look Out for the ‘Session Heads’


We’ll teach you about the term ‘session’ and what to look for in a ‘session head’. The good oul session is an impromptu meet up for a wild night of drinking and partying.

14. Teach You About the Monstrous Seagulls


Is it just us or are the seagulls in Dublin the size of children?? Seagulls and pigeons do not have any fear in the city. They are more like humans than anything else! We’ll teach you how to dodge these huge birds.

15. Teach You How to Make the Most of a Sunny Day in Ireland


It is very rare that you will be graced with a sunny day in this country so when it does start splitting the stones we really make the most of every minute and treat it like it’s the last ever sunny day in Ireland because you just never know! We’ll give you tips on the best places to dine al fresco and where to have picnics in the park.

16. Screaming at Each Other is a Norm Here!


No need for your phones people. It’s the norm here to shout at each other from across the street to communicate. If you need to tell someone something just belt it out out from down the road and you’ll be grand!