For over 145 years, James J. Fox has been Ireland’s leading destination for premium cigars and spirits. They offer a carefully curated selection that appeals to the most discerning tastes. Their iconic store on Grafton Street features an exquisite array of handmade cigars from Cuba, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Honduras….
For over 145 years, James J. Fox has been Ireland’s leading destination for premium cigars and spirits. They offer a carefully curated selection that appeals to the most discerning tastes. Their iconic store on Grafton Street features an exquisite array of handmade cigars from Cuba, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Honduras. These are complimented by Ireland’s largest range of pipe tobacco, including our aromatic and traditional Fox blends.
Their product offering also extends to premium Irish, Scotch, American and Japanese whiskeys. This includes their own James J. Fox whiskey range and exclusive single-cask bottlings, created in collaboration with Ireland’s leading whiskey brands. Whether you are a seasoned connoisseur in search of rare and exclusive releases, or a newcomer eager to explore the world of fine spirits, their store and expert staff provide unparalleled service.
At James J. Fox Dublin, they offer more than just products – they carry forward a legacy of craftsmanship and excellence that has been passed down through five generations. They are guides on a journey of flavour exploration, ensuring that every customer leaves with not only the finest products, but also a memorable experience.